Find Your Inner Strength

Explore the path to holistic well-being through the practice of yoga at the Warrior Yogis House. Join our various yoga types, individual and group classes, meditation and pranayama sessions, yoga fitness programs and workshops, and rejuvenating yoga and meditation retreats.

Meet the teacher

My story:

Greetings, I am Kateryna Savych, and I warmly welcome you to join me on a transformative journey towards holistic wellness and vibrant living. With a heart devoted to Yoga and the art of well-being, I stand as a beacon of inspiration and guidance in the realm of mind-body harmony.

In 2015 that I found my true calling in the sacred practice of yoga. Since then, yoga has not only become my passion but also my way of life, shaping every aspect of my being.

Certified by the Yoga Alliance as continuing education provider and a proud member of the International Yoga Academy, I have dedicated myself to honing my craft and sharing its profound benefits with others.

As we embark on this journey together, I invite you to embrace the transformative power of Yoga and Meditation, and to discover the profound harmony that awaits within. Together, let us cultivate a life of balance, vitality, and inner peace. Namaste.

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